We, at LGB BANK, acknowledge the importance of Personal Data Protection. Hence, we undertake to ensure utmost privacy and protection standards when collecting your information pursuant to Law 81/2018.
This Privacy Notice details the following:
- What Information we collect
- How we’ll use your information
- Who we might share your information with
- How we keep your information secure
Your rights
“Personal Data” - means, any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’), directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person
“Processing Personal Data” - means, any operation or set of operations which is performed on sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction
“Data Subject” - means, the identified or identifiable natural person to which the data relates
“Personal Data Controller” - means, the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data
Who is the Personal Data Controller
LGB BANK S.A.L., registered on Banque Du Liban list of Banks under No. 94, and in the Commercial Register of Beirut under No. 43171.
Processing Personal Data
Processing your personal information is necessary to enable us pursuing our legitimate business interests, to name but a few:
- Managing our professional relationship with you
- Providing you with any information, product or service you have requested
- Addressing your complaints, instructions, communications or enquiries
- Complying with laws and regulations
- Detecting, investigating, reporting and preventing fraud and financial crimes
Hereon, the information we collect from you or your legal representative might come from different sources, for instance:
- Account Opening Form along with “Know Your Customer” (KYC) application
- General terms and conditions (banking and credit facilities and other applications)
- Financial statements
- Online banking services, LGB BANK’s website, recorded calls and CCTV
What we expect from you
You undertake to provide the Bank with accurate and up-to-date information in accordance with the above and, failure to provide with the former may lead to discontinue the account opening process or providing you with our services.
Information we collect about you
The personal data we collect and process about you falls within the following types, to name but a few:
- Personal Information (Name, gender, date and place of birth, mother’s name, marital status, nationality, spouse’s name and profession)
- Contact Details (Region, street, building, city, country)
- Contact Information (Telephone and Mobile numbers, Fax, P.O. Box or ZIP code, email)
- Financial Information (Employment, economic sector, Company/Employer Name, Annual Income and account turnover, source of funds)
- Substantial Owners/Authorized signatories on behalf of a client entity’s Information (Name and Percentage of shares/votes of an entity)
- Tax Data (Country of tax residency and Tax Identification Number)
- Third Party Information (Name, address, payment details to clarify certain transactions made to a third party)
Who we might share your information with
We may share your information with the Bank’s employees who need it for purposes of providing you with products or services you have requested, or for legal duty and compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. Your information may also be shared with Regulatory Bodies, and addressees to name but a few:
- Lebanese Regulators
- External auditors
- Third parties providing you a kind of product or service (Card processing Suppliers, Customer Support Center)
- The Bank’s Lawyers
- Intermediary and Correspondent Banks and Trustees
- The Ministry of Finance of Lebanon in compliance with Tax Law 55/2016 concerning “the Exchange of information for Tax Purposes” also known as Common Reporting Standard (CRS)
- The Internal Revenue Service in compliance with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act federal law also known as FATCA.
How we use your information
We may use personal information you gave to the Bank to deliver the products and services you requested in addition to other purposes such as updating your file, processing your transactions, verifying your credit status, informing you of products you may be interested in, taking measures to prevent and intercept financial crimes including fraud monitoring and mitigation and fraud risk management which also include legal or regulatory disclosure or reporting of such offenses to competent authorities, managing your complaints, debt collection in compliance with the regulatory framework applicable to us.
How long we'll keep the information
We will keep your information for as long as you have a relationship with us and we will continue to keep your data for 10 years after you stop banking with us.
How we keep your information secure
We implement adequate technical measures, based on the data collected from you to enable us assess and manage the risk of processing such information. Such measures ensure your data’s safety, security and confidentiality and prevent falsification, distortion or any criminal activity, amongst others:
- The use of technical procedures to prevent fraudulent operations and unauthorized access to our systems
- Set continuous plans and system updates pursuant to regulatory framework applicable to us to ensure data safety
Raise awareness among employees regarding the preservation of data confidentiality
Monitor data integrity and availability
Your rights
Pursuant to Lebanese law 81/2018, you have rights in relation to the information that we hold about you. These rights include:
- The right to access your information and obtain information regarding the processing of such personal data
- The right to object to our processing of your personal data in certain circumstances, at any time except for the following two cases:
- If we are legally entitled to continue processing your information
- If we have your prior consent
- The right to request the rectification or erasure of your information that is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous or expired if the use of such information is not compatible with the regulatory framework applicable to processing personal data
We, nonetheless, have the right to charge you upon issuing, in your favor, a copy of your Personal Data or, decline such request due to continual demands or lack of legitimate and lucid purpose.
You may perform your rights by submitting a written request at any of LGB BANK’s branches or contacting us using the email hereafter:
You may also consult with the competent authorities or the judge of summary matters to exercise your rights listed above.